Heilige Räder

Introduction by the
Mayan priest Meya:

"Hello, you dear ones who are interested in the events of the newly born dream dimension! I bid you welcome on this virtual Sacred Wheel and hope you will enjoy entering it. You can experience much if you open all of your senses and let sounds and colors of the altars interact with you. At the same time you are invited to ask for help and guidance from the spiritual world and we will support you. We are here! You can hear us, feel us, see us or remember us."

A Geomantic Phenomenon

Sacred Wheels are a newly discovered geomantic phenomenon of our age. They form the basic structure of a new network that covers the surface of our planet and that allows increased communication with the universe.


Navigation Wisdom LoveDream GnadeHeilige ReifeKraftgeneratorDestination Healing Retrospect Rad

These systems that have always existed in the universe and provide the means for intergalactic communication. The wheels are the acupuncture points of our Earth and induce healing in a holistic sense for the planet and its inhabitants.

A Universal Language

When communication with extraterrestrials was interrupted, a single system of 13 Sacred Wheels was left behind on the Earth and the Moon. This system is directly connected with the planets in our solar system.
In the years 2005 and 2006 our task was precisely that of discovering and reactivating this primal system. (View destination or dream)
Today we have a high density of Sacred Wheels, each of which contains radial spokes which form a network which is formed mainly of triangles. The diameter of the Wheels varies: it measures anywhere from 3 to 360 meters.

deutsche Version

13 Sacred Wheels

When the first system of 13 Wheels (see dream) was energized, balanced and healed a process similar to cell division began. Nineteen more systems developed, each consisting of 13 Wheels. Each of these systems is attended to by a particular Star Nation*. Thanks to their spokes (ley lines), these particular wheels are able to communicate* with each other. In this way, the Star Nations laid the groundwork for the rapid increase of single wheels which form the network with their spokes which measure an average of 35 km. in length.
Each wheel has a central axis around which its Altars spin. The central axis of each wheel in the 20 systems attended by the Star Nations connects with its corresponding star.
In the case of the single Wheels the central axis represents a bond with the universe and creates a channel for a direct exchange with it.

*peoples dwelling outside of our solar system who have a chair counselor on Earth.
*Through the leylines or spokes, the wheels can act as transmitting stations.

All Content © Heilige Räder 2006 - info@heiligeraeder.ch
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