Heilige Räder

NEW! Workshop Australia

Updated 21. July 2013 Translated 22. July 2014

Quality of the Center:
The Tree of Life

The Tree of life connects the upper, the middle and the underworld. It nourishes you because in this position you  are able though download your own personal Tree of Life. The Energy is very neutral and you fell centered. This is the axis of your life, that moves around you. The five elements earth, water, air, fire and ether purge and neutralize tensions within or without yourself. From here you can expand your consciousness and gather all lost parts of yourself.

Unity of the light, Group soul of all the Masters

How about 2012

Dear friends of the Sacred Wheels, dear shamans of the third millennium, you might have noticed, that there was no update in the so called year of the big change 2012.
2012 was a time of big uncertainty and confusion. That’s why we didn’t want to join into adding more news to all this contra dictionary information on the web. We preferred to work in silence on our dreams.
Our group of the Agents belonging to the different rings of power of the sacred wheel were dreaming the harmonization of the different systems of Power who still are playing their games of power  with the ones who feel helpless. We wanted to wait with our comments until the system is stable again, even though I now in 2014 must admit that confusion is still going on on all kinds of plains of human perception.

The railway station 2012

In the system of time and space we imagine the time around 2012 being like a huge railway station, where every soul is able to choose new possibilities of transport. Planet earth seems to be a time ship that entered a place of many new destinations. Each soul has the choice to go to a new platform. Some souls are in a hurry while others take their time to get the new train.

Navigation WeisheitLiebe Traum Gnade Heilige ReifeKraftgeneratorZielfunktion Heilen Shönheit Rad Verbindung Stille Transformation

Some souls may even leave the time and space structure of this railway station and take another way into the land without track which is called the truth. They give up Maya (Sanskrit for illusion).
There might also be a whole bunch of souls who still love to continue the game of victim, perpetrator an savior for another 2160 years!
This is the station of synchronicity where all souls have their free choice, all is now, all is here!
It might be possible, that you chose a train and your fellow took another one, but still you find him in your train again. This place is a place where one can enter the timeline from the future or the past. So you won’t realize how many years of experience are between you and your friend all of a sudden.
As soon as we choose a train, we might be caught in a timeline again for a while! Although there are beings that exist on the outside of this concept of time and space, they have found their way out into the 5. dimension.  These beings who are watching over mankind try to bring many gifts to the souls who are running around in the station looking for a train. They desperately try to show them the way out, the way into galactic freedom and thriving. The sacred wheel is one of these gifts. The giving  beings respect the free will of every individual being and are not angry if they don’t want to know the truth.


Imagine this station full of information desks, inquiry kiosks, commercial and people who try to convince you of taking over their convictions. It is only a big collective group who believes the same things hat has the power to alter collective perception. That’s why people are invasive with their convictions.
I give the advice to listen to your heart before you accept any kind of new world view or order.
Modern shamans are navigating through this confusion with the tool of synchronicity.

The hundredth monkey
Or the critical mass theory

There’s a lot of talk about the critical mass that needs to alter it consciousness to be able to change things on this planet. Many people keep waiting for the others to start with introducing new ways of thinking living and doing. Many followers of disclosure projects and people who are involved with UFO mass landing theories might be deloused now! It didn’t happen!? Actually these views of what should be happening is just so called old wine in new tubes.

The conditioning system of Christianity and other religions who proclaim the heavenly beings that will save us is contained in these kinds of  conceptions! So the play of victim, perpetrator and helper is still the main topic of this idea. Quite collective I must say!
Human limbic necessities trap us where they can and lead to these projections.
Anxiety still is the main problem that holds us back from true thriving. Have a look at the page called Transformation to learn moor about fear!


The Medicine Wheel of the Third Millennium
As one of many possibilities

The train I took, since I can only speak about my own choice, is the one of self-consciousness and responsibility. I chose reconnection and alignment with all my potentials. I chose the path of beauty, which means to accept my own monsters within my own hell and free them from fear. ( Dante already showed mankind the way to Paradise goes passed everyone’s own hell. Divine Commedia, 14 century).
I chose to use all the qualities of the sacred wheel to secure my self empowerment and regain my creative abilities. At this point I’d like to quote C.G. Jung who once asked the following: „ Do you want to become good or complete?“
No one shall judge upon your decision, but yourself.

Free choice

I bet you chose the train I took and are willing to learn more about the qualities we are now publishing for the first time on internet. You are invited on a journey through the Medicine Wheel of the Third Millennium. It means to travel through 20 rings of different frequent powers and 13 rays or spokes of flowing qualities. Here you are in the very center, this is the ray that interconnects heaven and earth. Take your time to work with each spoke separately to be able to upgrade your different energetic planes with these programs of re-connective and healing qualities.
Here you get to know that you have the choice which games you play in your life besides the power games,  duality and karma game, separation, or the waiting for the savior game.
„To be a human being means to have three or more possibilities for every move you make.“ (Moshe Feldenkrais)
To me this is freedom and you may find a code of practice on the following page: Sacred Maturity or in my workshops.
Good luck  surfing! All the underlined words are linked to the concerned topic.

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